Tuesday 9 February 2016

Getting to know Malaysia !

Hey guys ! Have you wonder why Malaysia is call Malaysia ? Well me too xD I know each name have their own meaning and reasons behind it :)

Let's begin !

 Malaysia is our country's name after merger took place between the 11 states of Federation of Malaya , Singapore , Sarawak and Sabah. Before Malaysia was formed , people in Peninsular Malaysia called Malaysia the Federation of Malaya. During the independence from the British in 1957 , our country is known as FEDERATION of MALAYA.

The British established Federation of Malaya in 1948 with the agreement of the Malay rulers and UMNO (United Malays National Organization). Before that , all the states in the Federaration of Malaya was called Malay State only. In Malay , its also known as ' Tanah Melayu ' and the Federation of Malaya is known as 'Persekutuan Tanah Melayu'.

So the question is how in the world the word 'Malaysia' which is the combination 'Malay' and 'sia' was formed ?! and did you know that the leaders in the past named the country as 'Malasia' ? how can the name Federation of Malaya can changed Malaysia ?

If we look at the other countries name in the world, most of the countries ended with the word 'land' , 'tan' and 'it'. Both words have the same meaning which is 'land' is in English , 'tan' is in Farsi and lastly 'sia' is in Latin.

Among the names that are ended with 'Land' is England (Land of Angels), Iceland (Land of Ice) , Scotland (Land of Scots) etc. Do not forget Thailand ( Land of Thai people) !

and the countries that are ended with 'tan' is Pakistan (holy land) , Tajikistan (Tajik Nation Land) , Afghanistan (Afghan Nation Land) and many more !! In my opinion , the countries that ended with 'tan' is the countries that located in middle east :)

Lastly almost half of the countries in the world ended with 'sia' :) which Russia (Land of Ross), Somalia (Somali Oil Nation) , India (The Indus) etc :)

So from the above explanation , it is clear that MALAYSIA is a Latin based word. So the Malaysia means The Land Of Malay !

Pretty straight forward right x'D although its says The Land Of Malay , Malaysia is well known as the multiraces country :) I will make a post about the races in Malaysia in my future post..

Well now you know a little bit about Malaysia ! Congrats!!

See you later guys !

Bye !